Tucker (the dog) invites four guests over to his home for a dinner party. The characters are played by the Mt. Gilead @ Home team. Alex is played by Addie, Priscilla is played by Peli, Winifred is played by Wren, and Karen is played by Kori. Tuckers hands are Inca, and the voice is Adam.

Hey, I'm Kori! This is my 11th year at Mt. Gilead! I was a camper for 5 years, graduated from the CILT program in 2016, and have been a counselor ever since! Mt. Gilead is my home-away-from-home and I am blessed to continually be apart of this ministry! In the fall, I will be a Junior at Wheaton College studying nursing with hopes to be a midwife one day! I enjoy exercising and playing sports, being outdoors, listening to music, traveling, and spending time with friends!

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